
Betsey’s Version:

Most of the stories featured on this website are based on my real experiences. Embellishments may be added for the sake of entertainment. Most names, some places, and a few details have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is probably not coincidental. No ex-boyfriends were harmed in the making of this website. Andrew is a fictional character. If you have any complaints, please contact the writer directly.

The Fancy Legal Version:

Most of the stories featured on this blog are works of creative non-fiction. Most of the events in these stories are true to the best of the author’s memory. Fictional events are labeled as such. Some names and identifying features have been changed to protect the identity of certain parties. The author in no way represents any company, corporation, or brand, mentioned herein. The views expressed in these stories are solely those of the author.