BLOG: I am the Butterfly

Busy day. It’s hard to believe that one year ago, I was writing a ridiculous halftime show parody in honor of some douchebag, and now I’m about to take off on a completely different path towards a completely different life.

Things are starting to move quickly now. I got my work visa for Hong Kong, my tourism visa for India to visit my boyfriend, booked a stopover trip in Dubai, bought my plane tickets for all of the above, and Paris Hilton commented on my Instagram post about my Troubled Teen Industry blog.

Now my website stats are starting to blow up. They’re coming in from all over the world. Omg. Is it finally happening? Is it really real?

Guess that means I should sit down and reorganize everything again just in case someone important sees it and thinks, “We should give this person a book deal!” It’s only my biggest life dream come true. I just want you to know… I’m good for the content. There’s so much more than this. So much more. I have piles and piles and piles of content. I’m a good long-term investment deal when it comes to hiring a writer for anything. I’ve worked for this my entire life.

Anyway, today I still feel pretty good about the future. I feel a great sense of relief that I am reconciling with my difficult, horrific, painful past. I feel like I can make a difference in the world. I feel a stronger sense of purpose. I don’t feel like a broken person anymore. I feel like somebody who got out of bed one day and decided to live my dreams. Hell yes! If I can do it, so can anyone else who has been through this horrific thing. I hope to use my experience to inspire others and become a positive role model.

It’s so cheesy, but it’s true.

I’m so excited for my new job in Hong Kong! I can’t wait to teach kids English. It’s gonna be great. I’m not worried about the late hours because I’ve already started making a list of late-night restaurants to check out after work. I’m excited to start blogging about my experiences. I’ve been wanting to make a travel blog for years. Now I’m finally going to have some proper content. Exciting!

I couldn’t write for so long. I seriously thought I was never going to write again. Never say never, I guess! Who knows where my writing will take me now!

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